Welcome to Queen Elizabeth’s Academy

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to Queen Elizabeth’s Academy, we are delighted that you have chosen our academy for the next steps in your child’s education. Transition is an exciting time and we really hope that your child enjoys their first experiences of the academy and it helps to ensure a smooth transition from year 6 to year 7.

Sending your child off to secondary school can be daunting but we are confident that they will quickly settle in and enjoy their time as a member of our academy.

For those pupils who have been offered a place at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy, it’s very important to accept this offer as soon as you can – parents/carers will need to do this through Nottinghamshire County Council – an email should have been received with instructions on how to do this.

We are here to support year 6 pupils with transition to secondary education.

Queen Elizabeth Academy transition guide

QEA Essential Guide 2024

Introducing staff members you’ll need to know

Introducing the year 7 pastoral team.

Ms Percival
Designated safeguarding lead

Mr Pyle
Head of year 7

Ms O’Brien
Assistant head of year 7

School day timings

Tutor time/assembly8.30-8.55am
Lesson 18.55-9.55am
Lesson 210.10-11.10am
Lesson 311.10am-12.10pm
Lesson 412.55-1.55pm
Lesson 51.55-2.55pm

Virtual academy tour