We aim to create an inspiring and motivational culture so that our community is empowered to believe that anyone can achieve anything. We deliver this through our Christian vision and values, committing to ‘give our all to all’ and by ensuring The QEA Way is consistently and robustly applied.

As part of our adherence to The QEA Way, students are given an Attitude to Learning (AtL) score in every lesson, every half term throughout the academic year. These scores are based solely on a pupil’s attitude to learning and adherence to The QEA Way and not on their attainment.

From this data, students then get an average AtL score which is added to their QEA Way Loyalty Card to enable them to qualify for a rewards event at the end of the half term. The average score will also enable them to be celebrated within celebration assemblies and awards evenings. Our whole school target is for an average AtL score of 1.5 or below.

Staff use the following descriptors when grading a pupil’s ATL score:

  1. Outstanding
    Follows the majority of the QEA Way strands consistently
    7-8 strands
  2. Good
    Follows most of the QEA Way strands but discrepancies evident or not consistent every lesson
    4 – 6 strands
  3. Requires Improvement
    Follows some of the QEA Way strands but not consistent
    1 – 3 strands

AtL Criteria

QEA Way loyalty cards

Every half term, students are given a new QEA Way loyalty card. For every week that students achieve 100% attendance and 0 behaviour points, they are given a signature by their tutor. At the end of the half term, students will have their average AtL score added to the loyalty card with a target of 1.5 or below.

Students who complete their loyalty card will be recognised in celebration assemblies and will also be invited to a different rewards event each half term. So far this academic year, this has included a bowling trip and a Christmas movie afternoon.