Pupil premium

The pupil premium represents an annual amount of government funding aimed at improving the educational achievement of children living in economically disadvantaged circumstances. Schools and academies are required to publish an annual report, giving further detail of how this funding is used, and indications of the educational impact on the children it is aimed at helping.

Pupil premium strategy statement 2024-25

How we intend to use the grant

Quality-first teaching and interventions – the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) recommends a tiered approach to ‘closing gaps’. Tier 1 relates to high-quality teaching and learning for all, tier 2 relates to targeted support using teaching assistants (TAs), high quality one-to-one or small group interventions and planning for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) with tier 3 offering support in pastoral aspects, attendance, and social and emotional learning.

  • Tier 1: Teaching staff will attend Ambition Institute webinars. An inset day will be dedicated to planning for future periods of remote learning, using best practice teaching focused on recorded content and modelling. Coaching will be implemented for early careers teachers, with additional PPA allocated to this, alongside the ECF pilot project involvement.
  • Tier 2: In key stage 3, we will ensure subject specific literacy and numeracy teaching assistants deliver intervention, using Star Reader software and GL Progress tests to inform next steps. At key stage 4, we will deliver one to one targeted intervention catch up sessions with subject experts.
  • Tier 3: We will continue to build on current strategies to ensure good attendance for all students, so that no learning time is lost. A carefully sequenced pastoral tutor and RSE curriculum, including explicit social and emotional skill development, will be developed and delivered over the academic year.

How we will assess the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of our students

Assessment points

  • Formative and summative internal assessments will demonstrate progress for all students across the academic year.
  • External assessments – GL Progress English and maths; CATs; Star Reader – will accurately provide baselines from which to measure progress and impact.
  • A detailed analysis of progress will be presented to senior and middle leaders after each data point, this will include analysis of all groups so trends can be spotted and acted upon.