The University of Nottingham Health Service are currently running a research project with year 12 students in a number of schools, academies and colleges in Nottinghamshire – they are looking to better understand whether immunising teenagers with vaccines against ‘Meningitis B’ could protect them and the rest of the community against these potentially deadly bacteria. This is part of a national study involving 24,000 year 12 students across the United Kingdom.
Teenagers who take part will receive two doses of a MenB Meningitis vaccine. These are licensed vaccines that students would not otherwise receive, and will reduce the risk of meningitis – a really good reason to get involved. Participants will have two throat swabs one year apart and there are three study visits, over 12 to 18 months. All of these visits will be held at Hucknall Sixth Form Centre.
Students should have received letters and information about this study. If anyone has not signed up and would like to take part in this important research, please contact Mrs Wall as soon as possible. The first vaccinations will take place at Hucknall Sixth Form Centre on Friday 20th April 2018.