Students at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy, part of the Diverse Academies Trust, were celebrating today as they received their GCSE results.
One student who was delighted with her results today was Katie S. Katie achieved a grade 9 in English literature, three grade 8s, one grade 7, three grade 6s and one grade 5, with Katie’s result in history placing her in the top 8% in the country. Katie sets high expectations for herself and has done so throughout her time at QEA. She will now go on to study English literature, politics and history at a local college. Katie said: “My grades are much more than are needed for my next steps in education and I am so pleased with my results. My experience at QEA has been wonderful.”. Katie’s mum stated that ‘that staff have gone above and beyond in their support.’
Another happy student today was Dainton J, who gained a grade 9 in maths, one grade 8, two grade 7s, four grade 6s and one grade 5. Dainton is looking forward to studying maths, further maths, business and economics at a local college. This has been a long-term goal for Dainton, who is very focused on his future.
Also celebrating today is Anointed A who gained two grade 9s, one grade 8, two grade 7s and four grade 6s. She is now deciding where to study her A levels. Anointed said: “I am ecstatic with my results and am looking forward to the future.”
There were also smiles all round for Leon M. He gained two grade 6s in English literature and history, two grade 5s and a grade 4. He will be going to study English literature at Hucknall Sixth Form Centre. Leon said: “I am delighted with my results, as I worked hard and really focused. I achieved higher grades than I was expecting.” Leon was so inspired following a visit to Hucknall Sixth Form Centre in year 10, that from that point, he was set on his future and worked hard to make it a reality. His focus and hard work has really paid off.
And last but not least, Alicia B will be celebrating today after receiving her results. Alicia gained a grade 9 in history, two grade 8s, one grade 6 and four grade 5s. She said: “I am shaking, I did better than I expected!”
Principal, Donna Percival, said: “I want to congratulate each and every one of our students on their GCSE results today. Everyone at Queen Elizabeth’s Academy is extremely proud of what our students have achieved and how they have overcome the challenges posed by the Covid pandemic. We wish our year 11 students every success for the future.”