Curriculum intent
We aim to equip our students with knowledge about themselves and how they fit within the world around them. The world is increasingly complex and we want our students to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way. This knowledge is taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of students and parents while always aiming to provide students with the knowledge they need of the law. We wish to build on the knowledge that parents give their children at home in order to support the personal development and pastoral needs of our students.
Christian distinctiveness
Our approach at QEA is underpinned by two key biblical passages, the second of which is our Christian vision:
So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them. (Genesis I:27, NRSV)
We give our all to all in appreciation to God who gave his all in Jesus, offering learning without boundaries and care without limits so that all our students can experience life in all its fullness. (Luke 10:29-37)
Everyone will be treated with dignity as all people are made in the image of God and loved equally by God. The Church of England believes that relationships and sex education (RSE) should ensure that students are able to cherish themselves and others as unique and wonderfully made, keep themselves safe and able to form healthy relationships where they respect and afford dignity to others: this is equally important for our students who have faith as it is for those who have none. Our core Christian values are embedded in throughout our curriculum and help us to teach our students to listen to the views of other with compassion, even if they have different opinions and perspectives.
Knowledge in RSE
Our curriculum plans map all the knowledge that students will need to be able to navigate their way through a complex world. RSE will be delivered in a way that affords dignity and shows respect to all who make up our diverse community. It will not discriminate against any of the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and will be sensitive to the faith and beliefs of those in the wider school community. It will encourage students to develop the skills needed to disagree without being disagreeable, to appreciate the lived experience of other people and to live well together. Our knowledge is delivered in an age appropriate way and is hierarchical; certain topics will be delivered before others to enable our students to have a greater understanding of themselves and other as they progress through the school.
Key stage 4
Our bespoke key stage 4 plan is delivered through our tutor programme and allows students to inform themselves about how to make those next steps in their lives. It looks at how to explore their ideas and express themselves as well as listen to the views of others, to look after their mental and physical health and to consider how to make informed choices about their relationships with others.