Governor name

Anthony Darby

Governor role

Diocesan Governor

Why did you become a governor?

I have a career background in education having served before retirement as a secondary headteacher, an Ofsted trained inspector and an education adviser for the Centre for British
Teachers (CfBT). During my 40 years career I held most senior management roles, both academic and pastoral, in Church and state schools.

I serve currently on the Southwell and Nottingham Diocesan Board of Education, and as churchwarden of my local parish of St Mary the Virgin, Plumtree. I am an unpaid Director of Solo Support Services based in West Bridgford; a national company that supports members of the community who receive personal health and social care budgets to manage their own support
provision and carers.

I have a passionate interest in Church schools and what they offer to young people as they grapple with growing up and taking their place in a complex and challenging world.

How did you find out about the role?

Through the Diocesan Board of education

What do you like about the role, and how do governors make a difference?

Governors play a crucial role supporting academy staff as ‘critical friends’ in delivering the best possible educational experiences for all pupils; developing their talents, skills and understanding of their world; forging good relationships with all and preparing them “to live life in all its fullness” (John 10:10) as responsible and contributing members of their various communities.

A Darby