In year 7 students have 25 lessons a week, these are allotted as follows:
Below is a general overview of the topics students are taught throughout the year in each subject.
For a more in depth outline of each subject please click on the link for the subject page.
If you would like to speak to us about any aspect of our curriculum, please get in touch.
Autumn and spring term
- Still life and abstract
What tone is, how to draw basic 3D shapes and add tonal shading to create the illusion of 3D form.
Summer term
- Sweet stuff
– Drawing from observation, drawing to scale, composition and choosing appropriate media.
– Use of oil pastels and pencil crayons.
– Producing a transcription.
– Visual understanding of the work of artist Wayne Thiebaud, Joel Penkman and Sarah Graham.
– Creating a personal response
Autumn term
- Rules and regulations
- Spreadsheets – Harry Plotter
- Online awareness
Spring term
- Algorithms and logo
- Databases – Sherlock Holmes
Summer term
- Programming – HTML
- Multimedia marketing – Hever Castle
Design and technology
Core design skills
- Introduction to the design process and focus on subject specific vocabulary.
- Designing and making a prototype games controller.
Basic food hygiene and safety, basic food preparation and cooking skills, healthy eating.
Product design
- Designing 3D products in timber- skills focus on using workshop hand tools and some machines accurate measuring and cutting timber to produce a small wooden box.
- Introduction to health and safety, baseline study of natural and manmade timbers.
- Classifying textiles – learning where the origins of fibres, natural fibres and how we use them.
- Introduction to basic sewing skills, embroidery, textiles equipment.
- Health and safety in the textiles workshop.
- Working with textiles-exploring a range of textile techniques.
Autumn term
- Introduction to drama
Basic drama techniques covered:
- freeze frame
- split staging
- thought tracking
- monologue/duologue
- levels/proxemics
- physical theatre
- Dance choreography basic introduction
Students will look at the basic principles:
- motif
- repetition
- cannon
- unison
- retrograde
- levels
Spring term
- Matilda (drama- musicals)
- Revolting rhymes (singing and dance- musicals)
Summer term
- Silent movies (mime)
- Shakespeare (drama techniques)
Autumn term
- Social Injustice
Students will study the novel ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens in order to gain understanding of themes, plot and character.
Spring term
- The importance of place
Students will study non-fiction travel writing extracts in order to understand purpose, audience, form and the levels of formality.
Summer term
- Love – reality and appearance
Students will study ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ by William Shakespeare and learn to compose paragraphs and gain an understanding of context.
Autumn term
- Sense of Place
Exploring where we live through map skills and settlement design.
Spring term
- Our Hazardous World
Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Summer term
- Development and population and world at risk
Factors affecting development and risks of climate change.
Autumn term
- Raiders and invaders
- Communities and challenges
Spring term
- Towns and trade
- Empires and expansion
Summer term
- Rats and rebels
- Devotion and dissent
Autumn term
- Number
– Primes factors and multiples
– Directed number, operations and BIDMAS
– Fractions, decimals and percentages
Spring term
- Algebra
– Equations and expressions
– Substitution and simplification
– Sequences (basic)
Summer term
- Geometry and measure
– Properties of shapes
– Perimeter and area
– Angles in parallel lines
Modern foreign languages
Autumn term
- All about me
- My world
Spring term
- The world all around me
- Mealtimes
Summer term
- Where I live
- Clothes, weather and things I like to do
Visit our French page for more information
Autumn term
- Presenting myself
Spring term
- My bubble
Summer term
- My hobbies
Autumn term
- Introduction to music/ 4 chords
- Beginner brass (whole class brass band)
Spring term
- Beginner brass (whole class brass band)
- Ukulele
Summer term
- Instruments of the orchestra
- World music – samba
Performing arts
Autumn term
Introduction to drama
Spring term
- Silent movies (mime)
- Matilda (script)
Summer term
- Matilda continued (revolting children movement staged)
- Shakespeare (drama techniques)
- Theatre history
Physical education
Autumn term
- Rugby
- Netball
- Orienteering
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Gymnastics
Spring term
- Volleyball
- Fitness
- Rugby (girls)
- Handball
- Hockey
Summer term
- Athletics
- Rounders
- Cricket
- Softball
- Tennis
- Lawn green bowls
Relationships and sex education
Autumn term
- Families
- Respectful relationships (including friendships)
- Changing adolescent body
- Online and media
- Being safe
- Internet safety and harms
Spring term
- Intimate and sexual relationships including sexual health
- Mental wellbeing
- Healthy eating
Summer term
- Physical health and fitness
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
- Basic first aid
Religious studies
Autumn term
- Belonging
- Being Jewish
Spring term
- Being Jewish
- Genesis
Summer term
- Sacred Earth
- People of God
Autumn term
- Working scientifically
- Energy and forces
- Discovering the atom
Spring term
- Organisation of living things
- Reproduction
- Fields and materials
Summer term
- Atomic interactions
- Ecology
- Nutrition and digestion