In year 8 students have 25 lessons a week, these are allotted as follows:

Below is a general overview of the topics students are taught throughout the year in each subject.
For a more in depth outline of each subject please click on the link for the subject page.
If you would like to speak to us about any aspect of our curriculum, please get in touch.
Autumn into spring term
- Bugs
– Observational drawing.
– The difference between a primary and secondary source.
– Mark making, creating tone.
Spring and summer term
- Day of the Dead
– Introduction to the Day of the Dead festival.
– Visual understanding of the work of José Guadalupe Posada.
– Research: produce a page about the Day of the Dead festival, meanings and associations.
Autumn term
- Programming – Python Turtle
- Databases – superheros
- Binary and logic
Spring term
- Programming Python 1
- Programming Mircobit
- Website development
Summer term
- Programming – scratch maze game
- Code breaking and cryptography
Design and technology
- Understand the source, seasonality and characteristics of a broad range of ingredients.
- Develop nutritional understanding of healthy eating.
Product design
Focus on plastics, plastic properties and workshop processes. Looking how plastics impact society and the environment and increase awareness on recycling.
- Printing techniques and hand and sewing machine skills, research British culture.
- Researching environmental concerns within the textiles industry
Autumn term
- Basic principals of dance (Graham and Cunningham)
- Pantomime (exploring style)
Spring term
- Physical theatre (frantic assembly)
- Oliver (musical theatre)
Summer term
- Hillsborough (verbatim theatre)
- Summer show case/performing to an audience
Autumn term
- Human conflict
Students will study and analyse a range of war poetry and will develop their transactional writing skills.
Spring term
- Power
Students will study ‘The Tempest’ by William Shakespeare and will explore colonialism and features of the tragicomedy genre.
Summer term
Students will study the play ‘Noughts and Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman and become familiar with the conventions of the form.
Autumn term
- Our Hazardous World
Earthquakes and volcanoes.
Spring term
- Weather and climate
Summer term
- World at Risk
Global perspective on climate change.
Autumn term
- Widening worlds
- Conflict and compromise
Spring term
- Science and magic
- Empire and exploitation
Summer term
- Rebels and revolution
- Minds and machines
Autumn term
- Number and ratio
– Indices
– Fraction of amount, percentage multipliers
Spring term
- Algebra and statistics
– Forming and solving equations
– Graphs of straight lines
– Inequalities
– Basic probability
Summer term
- Geometry and measure
– Perimeter and area (compound shapes)
– Volume and surface area
– Bearings
– Constructions (basic)
Modern foreign languages
Autumn term
- Four corners of the globe
- Holidays
Spring term
- Sports and leisure
- Media
Summer term
- Technology
- For and against technology
Visit our French page for more information
Autumn term
- My hobbies
- My house
Spring term
- In my city
- My school
Summer term
Diet and health
Autumn term
- Keyboards- reading and performing music notation
- World music- African drumming
Spring term
- Film music
- Mixcraft (music technology)
Summer term
- Build a band
Performing arts
Autumn term
- Stimulus (devising)- basic
- Pantomime (exploring style)
Spring term
- Physical theatre (frantic assembly)
- Teechers
Summer term
- Hillsborough (verbatim theatre)
- Summer showcase
- Performing to an audience 2
Physical education
Autumn term
- Rugby
- Netball
- Orienteering
- Basketball
- Badminton
- Gymnastics
Spring term
- Volleyball
- Fitness
- Rugby (girls)
- Handball
- Hockey
Summer term
- Athletics
- Rounders
- Cricket
- Softball
- Tennis
- Lawn green bowls
Relationships and sex education
Autumn term
- Families
- Respectful relationships (including friendships)
- Changing adolescent body
- Online and media
- Being safe
- Internet safety and harms
Spring term
- Intimate and sexual relationships including sexual health
- Mental wellbeing
- Healthy eating
Summer term
- Physical health and fitness
- Drugs, alcohol and tobacco
- Basic first aid
Religious studies
Autumn term
- Islam
Spring term
- Inspirational people and the kingdom of God
Summer term
- Leading a good life
Autumn term
- The Earth
- Energy
- Chemical interactions
Spring term
- Space
- Electricity
Summer term
- Forces and fields
- Biological molecules
- Energy in chemical reactions